How We Are
Competitior fertilizers are quick release and have short lived benefits. Our product has been used by professionals for over 30 years to deliver sustained nutrients that don't wash away. Don't waste your money buying cheaper options over and over again.
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NitroBooster® Results
In four simple steps.
Use >>>this chart to determine how much NitroBooster® you will need for your project.
Water, Dry, Repeat
Water soil heavily, let dry completely and repeat. Results take 1 to 3 weeks.
Once you have received your product, apply according to the directions here.
Sit Back & Relax
Now for the fun part. Enjoy the rewards of your not-so-hard work.
Click here for FAQs
What is NitroBooster fertilizer?
NitroBooster is a higher quality fertilizer that works in a unique way, guaranteed to outlast the stuff your neighbors use. It provides a steady, balanced feeding, so you don't have to use as much to get the results you want. In addition, our 1-pound bags are perfectly sized so you only need to purchase what you'll actually use.
What are the four steps to make your lawn beautiful?
Step Number 1: Plan
Use this chart: https://nitrobooster.net/pages/how-much to determine how much NitroBooster® you will need for your project.
Step Number 2: Water, Dry, Repeat
Water the soil heavily, let dry completely, and repeat. Results take 1 to 3 weeks.
Step Number 3: Apply
Once you have received your product, apply according to the directions here.
Step Number 4: Sit Back & Relax
Now for the fun part. Enjoy the rewards of your not-so-hard work as the fertilizer nourishes your lawn and produces a healthy, lush yard that will be the envy of all your neighbors.
What are the Three Essential Elements for healthier lawns and plants?
The three essential elements for healthier lawns and plants are Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or NPK. Each of these fundamental nutrients plays a key role in plant nutrition. Our fertilizer optimizes the ratios of the three essential nutrients.
Nitrogen is considered to be the most important nutrient, and plants absorb more nitrogen than any other element. Nitrogen is essential in making sure plants are healthy as they develop and nutritious to eat after they’re harvested. That’s because nitrogen is essential in the formation of protein, and protein makes up much of the tissues of most living things.
The second, phosphorus, is linked to a plant’s ability to use and store energy, including the process of photosynthesis. It’s also needed to help plants grow and develop normally. Phosphorus enables root growth and flower production. Roots enable water and food uptake into a plant.
Last but not least, potassium is the third key nutrient of fertilizers. It helps strengthen plants’ cell walls and abilities to resist disease and plays an important role in increasing overall quality. Potassium also protects the plant when the weather is cold or dry, strengthening its root system and preventing wilt.
What is the breakdown of your NitroBooster fertilizer?
NitroBooster® Intelligent All Purpose Fertilizer is a balanced blend of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Here is the guaranteed breakdown of our fertilizer:
- Total Nitrogen (N) - 22.0%
- Ammoniacal Nitrogen - 4.31%
- Other Water Soluble Nitrogen and/or Urea Nitrogen - 8.40%
- Water Insoluble Nitrogen - 9.29%
- Nitrate Nitrogen - 0.0%
- Available Phosphorus (P2O5) - 11.0%
- Soluble Potassium (K2O) - 11.0%
- Chlorine (CL) - Not more than 9.0%
In addition, our formula provides supporting micronutrients. Micronutrients play a supporting role in overall plant health and development. Micronutrients promote essential plant health and growth. Micronutrients may sound less important, but they’re not. Without them the full potential for plant growth cannot be obtained.
These micronutrients are:
- Chlorine (Cl)
- Copper (Cu)
- Iron (Fe)
- Manganese (Mn)
- Zinc (Zn)
What makes NirtoBooster fertilizer products unique?
We take pride in providing a proprietary formula that can't be matched on the market. Built as a polymer with 2 hydrogens on a carbon, our nitrogen is mostly water insoluble and non-volatile. What this means to a plant is a constant, stable food source that does not leach off or through a soil profile. Our fertilizer will not release as a gas. Beneficial microscopic soil bacteria ingests the carbon in our nitrogen as a food source and releases an organic waste product, including our nitrogen. Our product also has a low salt index so dehydration is less likely at the appropriate rate.
How can we contact NitroBooster about your fertilizer?
Please feel free to contact us at any time by visiting our contact page located here: https://nitrobooster.net/pages/contact. NitroBooster is a higher quality fertilizer that works in a unique way, guaranteed to outlast the stuff your neighbors use. Shop our fertilizer now!